Friday Mar 28 2025

TVTO of Iran provides several services in skill training. The services are prepared for different layers of the society and supplied by public and private sectors, both of which are monitored by TVTO.


The Name of Platform



1.      Holding technical and vocational training courses

 The process is aimed to provide services to state information of the course, places, workshop equipment, enrolment of trainees in the course, counselling services, being responsive electronically to trainees

2.      Supervising the implementation of skill training courses in private sector institutions

The process is aimed to provide services to institutions and can be done through links below:

-          To hold courses in private sectors

3.     Issuance / renewal of managers and trainers’ notifications

 The process is aimed to provide services to institutions and can be done through links below:

-          To issue and renew the notifications of teaching and management

4.      Issuance / renewal of the license to establish a private sector institution

 According to conditions mentioned in guidelines of private institutions’ regulations, the process is aimed to provide services to applicants of issuance or renewal of permit of private institutions


5.      Preparation of skills training standards


 The process is aimed to provide services to supply training standards via platform and following steps:

-To provide and examine the document of occupation analysis

-To compile and examine the contents of training standards of occupation

- To compile and examine the training standards of competence


6.      Holding national skills competitions


The process is aimed to provide services to competitors of competitions via following steps:

- Enrolment of competitors and experts
- To hold skills competitions on three levels      :Townships, provinces and the nation

-To announce results and to award medals


7.      Holding free skill competitions





8.      Sending team to World skills Competitions

 The process is aimed to provide services to applicants of competitions via following steps:

-Enrolment of competitors and experts
- To hold skills competitions on three levels :Townships, provinces and the nation


-To announce results and to award medals

The process is aimed to provide services to competitors via following steps:

-Skill Training camp in the format of decentralized and centralized

-To select top competitors to attend Skill Training Camp in order to take part the World Skills Competitions 


9.      Abilympics (Olympics of Abilities)are vocational skills competitions specifically designed for persons with disabilities

The process is aimed to provide services to competitors via following steps:

- enrolment of competitors and experts
- To hold skills competitions on three levels :Townships, provinces and the nation

-To announce results and to award medals


10.  Training Counselling and Occupational Guidance

These services can be carried out on line via platform including the followings:

-To apply for face to face discussion with counsellor

-Off line counselling

-To be at workshops to get familiar with vocations

-To receive information packages for training courses

-Psychological tests and occupational passion

-To get familiar with technical and vocational training centers

11.  Holding skill tests


12.  Registration and holding periodic exams, memoranda and construction industry and introducing trainees from training sector for exam

 Registration and holding periodic exams, memoranda and construction industry and introducing trainees from training sector for exam

 13.  Issuing skill certificate


 To issue the certificates for those who pass the skill tests


  14.  Extending the validity and reissuing the skill certificates

 This service is provided to renew or change the expired certificates. Applicants can register in periodic tests platform to deliver the expired certificates. If the standard code of a certificate equals with that of the new one, the certificate will be renewed without any test, otherwise the person should enroll in a new test.

 15.  Replying to requests about the authenticity of the skill certificates

 This service is offered to reply the requests about the authenticity of the skill certificates to other organizations on line.

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