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Iran and Russia

Iran and Russia expand cooperation in technical and vocational trainings

Technical and Vocational Training Organization of Iran (TVTO) will expand cooperation with Skills Development Agency of the Russian Federation (Skills Russia).

TVTO of Iran hosted The webinar “Iran-Russia Joint Meeting on Skill Training, Training of Trainers and Skill Competition” on October 12, 2021.

Representatives from Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare and Russian embassy in Tehran attended the meeting.   

Deputy Minister and President of TVTO, Dr. Gholamhossein Hosseininia appreciated the earlier collaboration between the parties.

TVTO and Skills Russia started their cooperation in 2016 by holding friendly skills competitions and preparing their competitors for World Skills Competitions.  

Director General of Skills Russia, Robert Orazov suggested that the two parties can recognize skill Certificates to pave the way for workforce movement.

He invited Iran to participate in the Eurasia Skills Competition which is held for skilled workers (up to the age of 28) as well as the Youth Skills Competition.


TVTO and Skills Russia agreed to work on the following subjects:  

•      Exchanging their experiences in training of trainers, experts and managers;

•      Holding friendly skills competition and preparation camp for World Skills Shanghai 2022;

•      Establishing Iran-Russia Future Skills Academy in Instructor Training Center (ITC);

•      Holding both offline and online training workshops and seminars

  • News Group : public
  • News Code : 95291


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